Reformed and Congregational

How do the words “Reformed” and “Congregational” fit together? For most churches, “Reformed” refers to soteriology (the doctrine of salvation) and our beliefs. In most of the world today, “Congregational” refers to a polity – a kind of church governance. Can those two concepts sit together?

Historically, that is an interesting question. The first Congregationalists – theologians like John Owen, Thomas Goodwin, and the Pilgrims & Puritans who came to the New World – could answer with a resounding “yes”. As time went on in colonial America, Congregationalists lost some of their Reformed distinctives.

That may be true historically, but what does Scripture have to say?

Teaching & Discussion
On Sunday, June 23, gather with us at Zion at 2pm to begin to answer some of those questions. Rev. Jon Hartmann will teach what Reformed theology ought to look like for Congregational churches today. Adam Shanahan (MA) will consider the Saybrook Platform and other Congregational documents of the 18th century for today. Rev. Brian Lund will look at how Owen and early Congregationalists approached their work for lessons for our time. Singing, prayer, and a time for Q&A and discussion will be included. Invite a friend and join us!

Sunday, June 23 | 2:00 p.m. | Zion E&R Church – 760 W 8th St. Garner, IA 50438

You will be helped in considering the following links:

Reformed Congregational Archives

A Comparison of the Westminster Confession (1646) and the Savoy Declaration of Faith (1658)

The Cambridge Platform

Creeds And Platforms of Congregationalism

Ancient Platforms of Congregational Churches of New England

Video Media
Coming soon!

About blund

Brian J. Lund is minister of Word & Sacrament at Zion Evangelical & Reformed Church. You can follow him at his website or @BrianJLund.
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